The Style Invitational Week 869 We give the crossword you give the clues

By The Empress

Saturday, May 15, 2010; C02


STAX: The patron saint of lumberjacks.


It's time for our backward crossword, this time courtesy of master constructor Paula Gamache. The words are already in the grid (click on the slideshow at right): Send us funny, clever clues for any of them. The clues don't have to be as brief as real clues, but they can't be really long. Please say which word the clue is for; don't just write "36 Down." See the results of our last crossword contest by clicking here.


Winner gets the Inker, the official Style Invitational trophy. For second place -- in the theme of our previous "Nunchuck" catapult gun -- Russell Beland has donated the Baby Shower, which shoots out inch-long infants of various colors. The package does remind the consumer that "real babies should never be catapulted or thrown," along with the standard disclaimer that this product is not suitable for children under 3 years. So if you have a child 3 or older who'd like to shoot a baby . . .


Other runners-up win their choice of a coveted Style Invitational Loser T-shirt or yearned-for Loser Mug. Honorable Mentions get one of the lusted-after Style Invitational Loser Magnets. First Offenders get a smelly, tree-shaped air "freshener" (Fir Stink for their First Ink). One prize per entrant per week. Send your entries by e-mail to or by fax to 202-334-4312. Deadline is Monday, May 24. Put "Week 869" in the subject line of your e-mail, or it risks being ignored as spam. Include your name, postal address and phone number with your entry. Contests are judged on the basis of humor and originality. All entries become the property of The Washington Post. Entries may be edited for taste or content. Results to be published June 12. No purchase required for entry. Employees of The Washington Post, and their immediate relatives, are not eligible for prizes. Pseudonymous entries will be disqualified. The revised title for next week's results was sent by both Chris Doyle and Tom Witte; Tom also wrote this week's honorable-mentions subhead.


Report from Week 865, in which we sought yet more Googlenopes -- phrases that still yielded that "no results found" icon when you offer them to the Universe's Biggest Search Engine. Once again, some of the thousands of 'Nopes submitted were just convenient misspellings of names. For all the results below -- which were still unique at press time -- the phrases were entered within quotation marks. Capitalization didn't matter in the searches.


Several entrants noted to the Empress that they were more amazed by the phrases that did produce a few hits, such as "National Beet Day" (discovered by Tom Kreitzberg) or "the wisdom of Tom Cruise" (noted by Russell Beland). These have been called Googleyups, and yes, we'll have to get to them. (We have already done Googlewhacks, in which there is exactly one hit.)


The winner of the Inker


Both "Nobody understands me like my husband" and "Nobody understands me like my wife" (Mark Richardson, Washington)


2. the winner of the nine-inch-long black gummi rat:


"I was persuaded by the picket sign" (Dan Steinberg, Silver Spring)


3. "President Obama wigs" (Mike Turniansky, Pikesville, Md.)


4. "I lost lots of weight by eating better and exercising" (Sheri Tardio, Prince Frederick)


None: The Less -- Honorable mentions


"Lady Gaga wore a modest" . . . (Jeff Contompasis, Ashburn)


"Muhammad Halloween masks" (Kevin Dopart, Washington)


"I always lift the toilet seat for my husband" (David Thorne, Washington, a First Offender)


"Now I understand all of 'Lost' " (Craig Dykstra, Centreville)


"He's so spacey his brain farts cause global warming" (Roy Ashley, Washington)


"We've decided to name our baby Eyjafjallajökull" (Dan Gordon, Arlington)


"The Vatican reversed its policy on" . . . (Dan Ramish, Washington)


"How to style your hair like Rod Blagojevich" (Steve Offutt, Arlington)


"Hiking the Appalachian Trail with your wife" (Steve Offutt)


"Find me an Amway dealer" (Russell Beland, Fairfax)


"The GOP leadership sought a compromise" (Anne Paris, Arlington)


"The Yiddish word for 'splurge' " (Rick Haynes, Potomac)


"I wish Bush were still in the White House" (Dan Ramish)


"They filled the pothole right away" (Ben Aronin, Arlington)


"Our priest is celibate" (Kevin Dopart)


"My ex-husband is an angel" (Kathy Bacskay, Lorton, a First Offender)


"Brief remarks by the House speaker" (Jeff Contompasis)


"I was outraged by that 'Family Circus' cartoon" (Julie Thomas and Will Cramer, Herndon)


"If wishes were horses, birthday parties would reek." (Rachel A. Bernhardt, Silver Spring)


"employed in Novi, Mich." (Judy Blanchard, Novi, Mich.)


"Kitty Kelley's balanced portrayal of" . . . (Drew Bennett, West Plains, Mo.)


"The Manischewitz's refined bouquet" (Mike Gips, Bethesda)


"French spam recipes" (Craig Dykstra)


"beloved Redskins kicker" (Ward Kay, Vienna)


"tattoos your mom will love" (Judy Blanchard)


"Scranton getaway vacations" (Kevin Dopart)


"I don't know, so I'll say nothing." (Tom Kreitzberg, Silver Spring)


"unwanted strip of bacon" (Russell Beland)


"My cat really cares about me" (Dan Klein, McLean)


"the world's second-largest microbrewery" (Russell Beland)


"Facebook: A better mousetrap" (Ben Aronin)


"the best of the feel-good Russian novels" (Michael Woods, Arlington)


"Three animals were harmed in the making of this movie" (Russell Beland)


"The Amish Justin Timberlake" (Craig Dykstra)


"I laughed at The Style Invitational" (Kevin Dopart)


Next week: Natalie Portmanteau, or Overlappellations